Do you want to get serious about investing and saving, but need help understanding how to budget your paychecks? This week’s podcast is an unfiltered discussion with financial advisor Douglas Boneparth on everything you need to know to invest for short and long term goals and to gain financial contr...
Do you want to get serious about investing and saving, but need help understanding how to budget your paychecks? This week’s podcast is an unfiltered discussion with financial advisor Douglas Boneparth on everything you need to know to invest for short and long term goals and to gain financial control of your life.
FinTwit fav Douglas Boneparth (@dougboneparth) joins this week’s pod episode. Douglas is booked and busy – from being the President of Bone Fined Wealth, a member of the CNBC Advisor Council, author of “The Millenial Money Fix,” to founder of the Crypto Drip. We chatted about his career journey, his experience as a financial advisor, helping millennials, how the 2008 financial crash impacted him, what he would do if he was in his early twenties and how important it is for people to understand how money comes in and out of their life. He also gave some insight into how you should be doing with your money on a monthly basis so you can live, but also plan to retire comfortably. Douglas gives a quick financial literacy lesson on investing, taxes, 401K, budgeting, and taking financial risks that will have you racing to take notes. And of course, I had to ask him the big question on everyone’s mind - should I have a financial advisor? Join our discussion and learn everything school didn’t teach you about finance and money management that will set you up for financial freedom.
#personalfinance #howtosavemoney #investing